Terms and Conditions of Service

Terms and Conditions for Cat Behaviour and Training Consultancy Services

Please read our terms carefully. In proceeding to use our services you are accepting our terms in full without variation.

1. Services

1.1  All services are provided by Claire Louise Stares trading as Cats at Heart Feline Behaviour and Training, 16 The Mallards, Langstone, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 1SS, “the Company” or “Us” or “We”.

1.2  Any references within these terms to “you” or “the Customer” mean the person purchasing the services as named on the invoice. By making a booking, you are accepting these terms in full.

1.3  Following an enquiry made by you, you will be asked to provide information about your cat and the challenges that you are facing. If we believe that we can help we will offer you the opportunity of either an in-person or remote (online) session.

1.4  Prior to the session, we may need detailed information from you, including video footage of any issues so that we can fully prepare to support you. We do not usually require you to prepare your cat in any way, but that may be dependent on the issue which your cat is facing.

1.5  All initial sessions, whether remote or in person, will be approximately 2 hours (Comprehensive Behaviour Support Package) or 1 hour (1:1 Training Package and Behaviour Advice Package) in duration. You will be provided with a full report and behaviour modification treatment plan within five working days (Comprehensive Behaviour Support Package) or a behaviour action plan (Behaviour Advice Package) or training plan (1:1 Training Package) within 48 hours. Should you require a follow-up session, they are usually 1 hour (Behaviour Support Consultation) or 45 minutes (Behaviour Advice Consultation or 1:1 Training Session) in duration unless otherwise agreed in advance.

1.6  Where you are purchasing a package of support, we will agree on the most suitable time period between sessions at the point the package is purchased, and we will book in the dates for all of the sessions at the outset.

1.7 Remote support provided via email, WhatsApp and telephone as part of an initial package is subject to fair use of up to 4 hours total (Comprehensive Behaviour Support Package) or 1 hour total (Behaviour Advice Package and 1:1 Training Package). Additional remote support provided via email, WhatsApp and telephone is subject to fair use of up to 1 hour total per month purchased.

1.8  A booking can only be confirmed once we receive full payment for the chosen service and the completed booking form. Bookings will be confirmed via email.

1.9 Should you fail to provide the full cost of the chosen service and completed booking form within 7 days of receiving the invoice or 48 hours prior to the date of your consultation or session, whichever falls sooner, then the dates of any sessions will be released for alternative bookings so to allow flexibility in the diary for others.

2. Payments and Pricing

2.1  Our prices are as advertised on our website. You can purchase packages, one-off follow-up sessions and remote follow-up support. Our packages vary depending on the services included. You will be advised on the most suitable package for you and your cat prior to booking.

2.2  Quotes may be higher or lower for certain clients depending on various factors, such as the complexity of the arrangement chosen and the number of cats, which may impact the number of hours required in each circumstance. Multi-cat households with interrelated behaviour or training concerns count as one case. Multi-cat households with non-interrelated behaviour or training concerns will be treated as separate cases, requiring individual consultations and treatment plans, and package/consultation fees will be charged per cat.

2.3  Full payment is required in advance. You can make payment directly through our website or via bank transfer.

2.4  Where a package of sessions is purchased, you must use all of the sessions within four months (Comprehensive Behaviour Support Package) of the original date of purchase. Any sessions which have not been used within this period will expire.

2.5  Our behaviourist is qualified with a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Animal Behaviour, as a result, if your pet is insured, you may be able to recover the cost of our fees from your insurers. You must check with your insurance company prior to placing a booking and paying for our services. At all times you remain liable for all fees incurred in association with our services.

3. Weather Policy, Alterations to Bookings and Cancellations

3.1  Due to the nature of the behavioural support services we provide, our services are unlikely to be significantly impacted by any inclement weather as sessions can be conducted inside or remotely (online).

3.2  In the event of bad weather, we will notify you that the session can not proceed. “Bad weather” will be determined by weather warnings and guidance which is put in place. We will use our professional judgement, acting in the best interests of your cat, when deciding to postpone a session. We will notify you as soon as possible about the session being unable to proceed and reschedule as soon as possible after the original session date.

3.3  Should we need to reschedule a session for any reason we will provide you with as much notice as possible.

3.4  Should you need to postpone a session, including you or your cat being unwell, you will be required to give notice in writing. If 24 hours notice is given then the session can postponed and rescheduled. If less than 24 hours notice is given that session will be forfeited and can no longer be used.

3.5  All booking fees are non-refundable.

3.6  Once you have agreed to these terms and conditions you can request a refund in accordance with clause 5. Termination, or cancellation, of the contract can only take place in the limited circumstances set out in clause 10.

3.7  We will follow all government guidelines and safety recommendations including, but not limited to, guidance on isolating and quarantining. Should it be required by those recommendations, it may be necessary to deliver face-to-face sessions online. If there are any changes to how the session will be delivered, we will notify you as soon as possible via email.

4. Health of Your Pet and Welfare Policy

4.1  Just like you, we are passionate about the correct treatment of animals. When delivering our services we are keen to ensure that we always put animal welfare at the forefront of everything that we do.

4.2  We do not endorse, nor do we utilise, the use of e-collars or other aversive training devices. Any breach of our Welfare Standards may result in the withdrawal of our services to you.

4.3  Our training and handling methods are kind and humane. Should we see any conduct or treatment which does not align with our approach we will terminate the delivery of our services immediately.

4.4  We recommend that your cat is seen routinely by a veterinary professional. It is your responsibility to ensure that your pet is up to date with any vaccinations, worming and other necessary treatments.

4.5  Human safety is just as important to us as that of your cat. Please ensure that during all sessions any young children have alternative adult supervision so that you and your pet can focus on the session.

4.6  If you are aware of any behaviour displayed by your cat e.g. a history of aggression or any behavioural concerns, then please let us know. We appreciate that it may be difficult to share this information but it helps to support the safety of everyone involved.

5. Complaints and Refunds

5.1  We are committed to providing you with a high-quality service. Should there be any cause for complaint in relation to any aspect of our service please contact Claire Louise Stares at claire@catatheart.com. We agree to investigate your complaint carefully and promptly and take reasonable steps to resolve it.

5.2  Should you change your mind within the first 14 days following your booking, you shall be provided with a refund in full, subject to the services not already having been delivered. If some services have already been delivered as part of a package, then a refund will be provided pro-rata in accordance with the amount of sessions delivered and time dedicated to the planning and preparation of your sessions.

5.3  If a refund is requested 14 days following the date of the booking, no refund will be provided. This includes circumstances where: you have rehomed your pet, your pet has passed away or is ill, you cannot attend a session and you have not provided the necessary notice to postpone, or you have changed your mind.

5.4  All refunds will be provided in accordance with your statutory rights.

6. Liability and Limitations

6.1  At all times during the session, your cat is entirely your responsibility. Even where the behaviourist or trainer is working alongside you.

6.2  We will not take responsibility for any loss or damage caused by your cat. We accept no liability for any loss, injury, or damage to any person or property caused by you or your cat.

6.3  We will not accept any liability when it is not possible to attend the session due to adverse weather or road conditions. Neither will we be responsible for any losses arising in circumstances where we become unable to deliver the services such as illness, bereavement, or circumstances beyond our control. In such circumstances we will make every effort to keep you updated and advised and an alternative session will be rescheduled as soon as possible.

6.4  We make no guarantees or claims as to yours and your cat’s success as this is contingent on many different and variable factors. Each individual and their cat(s) are unique, and their abilities, temperament and behaviour are unique to them. All training/behaviour modification is acquired at different rates for each cat.

6.5  We are not responsible for any action or inaction which you take as a result of the information provided to you within the session(s).

6.6  No content in the session(s) should be construed as veterinary or nutritional therapeutic advice. If you believe that your cat(s) requires veterinary attention you should seek assistance from a veterinary professional immediately.

6.7  Any testimonials used within our marketing are provided freely and independently but they are illustrative only. We cannot guarantee results as to outcome or in respect of timescales.

7. Data Protection and Confidentiality

7.1 We are committed to protecting your data. Our privacy policy is available at www.catsatheart.com/privacy

8. Intellectual Property

8.1  From time to time, we may share with you written assets such as workbooks or guidance material, or video content. We shall own any, and all, intellectual property we create. You are not permitted to duplicate, republish, reproduce, distribute, translate, or provide copies to third parties, without our prior written agreement.

8.2  During consultations or training sessions we may take photographs or videos of you and your pet. Such content can be useful for training purposes. Please email us if you do not agree to us sharing images or video footage of our sessions on social media or within our online training materials and resources.

8.3  Where you provide us with a testimonial, you are providing consent for us to use that testimonial within our marketing and you shall not receive a fee or compensation of any kind. Should you provide an image with your testimonial, you are confirming that the image is free of any copyright restrictions and that we have full rights to use it howsoever we choose.

9. Insurance

9.1 We hold effective indemnity insurance covering the services that we provide and the insurance policy is taken out with a reputable insurer, Petplan Sanctuary.

10. Termination

10.1  We reserve the right to terminate the services provided to you at our sole discretion. Grounds for termination include, but are not limited, to:

10.1.1  Your failure to adhere to the Welfare Standards set out above;

10.1.2  Any behaviour by you which we deem detrimental to group activities.

10.2  In the event of termination, no refund will be provided for any services previously provided to you, subject to your statutory rights set out below.

11. Third Party Rights and Applicable Law

11.1  No person other than the person provided with a copy of these terms shall be deemed to have the benefit of the services or have any rights to enforce or rely on any of the terms.

11.2  These terms are our standard terms and conditions of business and shall at all times be construed in accordance with the laws of England & Wales.

11.3  The English Courts will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any claim, or dispute arising out of this agreement or any matter arising from it.

Behaviour Consultation Pledge

Cats at Heart’s Responsibilities

• To prepare appropriately for the consultation.

• To listen to you to gather necessary information about the problems you are experiencing and your cat’s history, lifestyle and environment.

• To use my professional judgement, expertise and experience to decide upon appropriate strategies to help you and your cat(s).

• To clearly explain what behaviour modification or training strategies I am suggesting and why I am suggesting them to you.

• To answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability.

• To make it clear that behaviour modification is not a ‘quick fix’; it will require commitment, and you will need to implement changes to bring about change in your cat(s).

• To offer ongoing support in line with the service(s) for which you have paid (additional follow-up support may be purchased if required – see website or ask me for more details).

Your Responsibilities

• To be open and honest in providing information to assist me in understanding the problems you are experiencing.

• To ask for clarification if anything which is explained to you or is written in your behaviour modification plan is unclear.

• To have an open mind concerning potential solutions, changes and strategies.

• To commit to agreed behaviour modification strategies and make any necessary agreed changes to help resolve the problems you are experiencing with your cat(s) and to understand that behaviour modification is not a ‘quick fix’.

• To try your best to ensure that everyone regularly involved with your cat(s) understands and engages in the behavioural modification process to avoid confusion and conflict.

• To avoid introducing alternative training or behaviour modification methods (e.g. from TV, books, friends or other trainers) to avoid confusion and conflict.

• To ensure that your cat is properly supervised at all times. This includes ensuring that any interactions between your cat and a third party (including your family and any other pets) are safe for both the cat and the others involved.

• To keep a daily behaviour diary to monitor progress and allow for adjustments to the behaviour modification plan to be made if necessary.